Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Impromtu trunk show

While in Utah with Glen, I often ride along with him to client appointments. Well almost all the way to the appointment. He drops me off at a bookstore or a quilt store on his way. One of my favorite drop off sites is Quilts Etc. in Sandy. This trip I snapped up discounted Christmas pillowcase kits. There were not enough of the pre-cut kits I really liked, so of course I had to buy some additional fabric.

Suddenly I heard from the cutting table, "Oh, that's got to be a Marie Webster! Do you realize what a gem you have? You must match the blue and not use that dot fabric for border and it must be hand quilted."

I rushed over to take a peek then asked if I might take a picture. The customer, a grandmother herself, said that her mother-in-law had given her the top which had been stitched by her mother.

I had never heard of Marie Webster before but the quilt shop employee certainly had. I heard her brief history of Marie and then did a bit of googling myself later in the day.

It turned out that the pink and blue appliqued quilt was not the only treasure in the large bag at the customer's feet. There was this beauty.

A set of fancy lady blocks.

So pretty with all those long ago fabrics.

This reminded me of the Aunt Grace fabric I recently bought for the backing of my current Aunt Grace's Flower Garden block of the month.

There was more!

A set of these beautiful star/flower blocks.

And of course, a hand pieced double wedding ring quilt top.

Once again I loved the juxtaposition of fabrics from long ago. What treasures were in that bag!

I was so glad that I had jumped into the car at the last minute! Just think, I might have missed the trunk show.

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