Thursday, December 15, 2011

A surprise 50th celebration

Luckily for Glen and I, we were in Utah for Joe and Karen Baker's 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration.

Their lovely family surprised them with a complete wedding reception including a receiving line, supper buffet, tiered cake, and dancing. When they got in the car that evening they thought they were headed to a movie or something. Their son had told them they had probably better put on a clean shirt :)

There was also a bit of "cake smushing."

Joe is Glen's uncle and a younger brother of his mother's. He is a retired German professor and taught at BYU for many years as well as administrating their Study Abroad Program to Austria. His wife, Karen, is a woman after my own heart. She is a retired librarian. We love visiting with them on our Utah trips.

Congratulations Joe and Karen! I loved watching the slide show of your married life that your children put together for our viewing. It was so fun to see the "younger" you!

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