Monday, December 12, 2011

Thanksgiving near Sundance

This year Glen and I were invited by our DIL Sally's family to join them for Thanksgiving at a home they had reserved near Sundance Resort. It was large enough to accommodate their extended family for several days of fun. We drove up the canyon from Provo to join them for a yummy dinner on Thanksgiving Day.

The grandgirls were excited to show me the snowman they had created with the help of their dad and my son, David. Youngest grandgirl, Mabel, was less excited. As I held her at the window she pointed and jabbered on about how scary it was. I personally thought it was pretty cute.

While eating our turkey dinner we enjoyed a nice surprise. A large flock of wild turkeys marched down the mountain in full view through these large windows. It created a lot of excitement! After the plates were cleared the grandgirls and their cousins from the other side presented a program that they had written and created all by themselves about the reason for Thanksgiving using the fireplace hearth as their stage. It was highly entertaining!

At the end of the program, Glen led the group in a game of Bingo as a tribute to our Thanksgiving tradition of Bingo after pies on Thanksgiving evening. There was a basket full of prizes including candy bars and $2 bills so everyone was happy.

Sally's brother is in the green shirt leaning against the stair rail. I point him out because he is also newly engaged. I loved hearing him tell his engagement story. It made me think that I might need to share mine in a post sometime.

We so appreciated being included in Sally's family fun.

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