Sunday, April 10, 2011

Wind, rain, and fire

Grandpa Glen found a place in Tempe that sells firewood other than pine. He bought three different kinds so that he and Toby could try them out to see which kind smelled best and burned forever.

The plan was to tend a fire in the fireplace for hours last weekend but that was scrapped when the outdoor temps were in the high 90's. Who wants to tend a fire when they are already roasting?

Who knew that in just one week's time a low front would blow in bringing 40+ degree lower temps, steady rain, and snow in the Superstitions. Toby, however, was set on tending a fire in the fireplace for two hours, so out came the umbrellas. He had a great time heating up his stick then poking it in the rainwater collection in the dutch oven depression and hearing it sizzle.

Last night they brunt the cedar wood and it smelled divine and burned for hours.

Don't you just love Julianna's coat?

Susan and Heather stayed inside and read books in front of the other fireplace (which now only burns candles.) It was much warmer in than out!

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