Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's a rainy day in Arizona

Come July I will look back on this day with envy, longing to wear a sweater and breathe in crisp air. But today I feel cheated. For weeks I have been planning a garden party, a baby shower for a dear friend soon to deliver her first boy. Instead of being outside with flowers in their prime and soft breezes, we cozied up in my combo kitchen/great room. The company and food were great, but we were a bit crowded. Hard to imagine that it was 100 degrees F just one week ago.

This was my Friday visitor. She's enjoying a bit of lunch after taking a two hour nap. Mommy Sally went to the Arizona Science Center with Ruby and her 1st grade class on a field trip.

Mabel is a sweet observer. It was like she was in a brand new space. She looked at everything and everywhere. It must feel different for a baby to be at grandma's house without the other twenty family members to distract you.

After the baby shower/garden party sans the garden, the rain drops ceased and I wandered outside with my camera. The best thing in the garden this week is the rose arbor which is blooming profusely.

So pretty and so fragrant. These Don Juan climbing roses put on a show in the spring and once more in the fall.

They're intermingled with a small white climbing rose. When I planted them, I imagined them blooming as a mixture. They, however, seem to enjoy putting on a show of their own with white following red.

Here are some pictures of what the guests missed in the back garden.

I planted daisies in the pots one year and there have been volunteer daisies every March/April since.

It would have been lovely to be in the garden, but it was still very warm and friendly in the house!

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