Saturday, March 12, 2011

To the Birthday Girl

Today's your birthday, SHOUT hurray! This is how you looked before marriage, graduating from college, two little boys, being homeless, and living on an island in the West Indies. See how much you had to look forward to as you gazed into the camera?

Remember this March when we visited the ranunculus flower fields in Carlsbad?

Guess what? This year I managed to grow some ranunculus on my own. Here is your virtual birthday bouquet.

Happy Birthday!

Your dad was so pleased that I actually propagated more ranunculus from old ranunculus that he went to the garden center and bought some more! One of each color!


  1. Thanks mom!! Those flowers look awesome, good job!

  2. I was also thinking last night that I hope my thirties are a bit different than my twenties, but I didn't want to tempt fate! Maybe my forties will be where it is at. . . at least, where I can afford to put gas in the car. I dream big!!

  3. happy birthday Janae, I was going to come up with a great trivia birthday question, but then my mind was blank, I do not have a virtual flower bouquet to send either, but I do want to wish you a great day.
