Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sitting on a fault line

I've been sitting on a fault line while watching the news from Japan this week. It didn't make me feel so secure. I found a brochure online which explains about the Wasatch faults. It included a picture of the Seven Peaks Water Park in Provo and what used to be the golf course to show the location of a fault line. Our town home sits on part of that golf course which has been developed into homes. Local news reporters stressed over and over the importance of being prepared for the "Utah" big one. I'll admit that I have never pondered until this week this little quirk about our "home away from home."

Looking northeast from the water park

Looking southeast from fault line

As I watched "60 Minutes" tonight, my heart broke as I viewed the damage and heard the story of the school teacher struggling to pull students from the sea water in the school gymnasium onto a balcony. He had finally found his footing on the basketball standard. How powerless we truly are in the face of a natural disaster let alone the disaster waiting to happen as man-made nuclear reactors also lose power.

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