Sunday, September 21, 2008

Vacation before the Blog, Part III

Our second day in Virginia, found us out and about near Washington, D. C. This is a picture of the National Cathedral north of The Mall and the White House. It truly is a grand building.

This grand building was closer to our hearts. We could see the Washington, D. C. temple from the Beltway, but getting to it proved a bit more difficult. We finally meandered our way to this beautiful Mormon temple and enjoyed a stop in the visitor's center and enjoyed the display of art work. Fortunately, we did not find our way back to the Beltway. Instead, we lost our way and ended up on a lovely scenic drive through Rock Creek Park which led us back into Washington, D. C. and to a bridge over the Potomac.

That brought us to Arlington National Cemetery. This was a sobering place which gave us pause and a feeling of gratitude for those who gave their all for freedom.

Our next stop that day was Mt. Vernon, home of George and Martha Washington. We shared the grounds with crowds of students on tour, which made it all the sweeter for a retired teacher like me. I am standing before a long sweep of grass at the front of the home.

Glen stands at the back of the house. We spent some time rocking in the chairs on the back veranda which overlooks the Potomac River and a lovely view. We also enjoyed exploring the out buildings and gardens. My favorite was the pig shed full of piglets. There is also a new visitor's center and museum which is amazing. Most of it is very interactive and meant to appeal to all ages. There was a theater performance area where you hear and feel the sounds of revolutionary battles. It even snowed as we crossed the Delaware. Mt. Vernon was very much worth our time!

Next stop, Jamestown and Williamsburg!


  1. My memories of Virginia and D.C. are getting more and more fuzzy, but I do remember how the temple looked from the Beltway- pretty cool!

    Mt. Vernon sounds like a great site to visit.

    Still amazed by your memory of this trip!

  2. We were able to go to DC while still living in Norfolk, and we got lost leaving the temple also!!

    Virginia had so many neat historical places to visit. We loved visiting Williamsburg and Jamestown. We were given free tickets as a military promotion, so that made it even better! :)
