Friday, September 19, 2008

Mine and Oprah's summer reading

Oprah announced her next book club selection today. I, too, read "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle" over the summer. This book is beautifully written but an odd story. I still find myself thinking about it at different times. I can see it's appeal for Oprah, lover of dogs, for dogs are very much a part of this novel. I am often in awe, and sometimes horror, of how the decisions of one family member can reverberate throughout the family.


  1. So do you recommend it? I'm still trudging through the latest Meyer. Ugh.

    Let me know about those bibs- I'd like to be there when you make them and learn how to do it. . .

    Hope you are surviving your busy week! It was fun to see you at dinner- thanks!

  2. I bought some ribbing for the neck holes at Sally's Fabric Store on the way home from the temple. I'll call you about the bibs.

    As for recommending the book, not my favorite. It's pretty thick and you might want to spend your reading time on something else. I'm also still pondering if there was any redeeming value or perhaps a message I missed.
