Friday, April 11, 2008

Which of these sweet peas is not like the others?

I know, I know. You are all thinking, "How many flower pictures do we have to look at?" Sweet pea growing has become a bit of an obsession. I first tried to grow them from seed over a year ago. They grew but never bloomed. Too hot, too soon. So I tried again in October. Very little happened. I purchased another seed packet of very fragrant lavender sweet peas and planted them in December in the same place AND they finally grew and bloomed. I guess those October slackers were not all slackers. That seed packet boasted of vibrant red, white, and blue blossoms and it sort of delivered.
Your father presented me with this hand blown glass, heart shaped vase today. I promptly took scissors outside and cut a sweet pea bouquet. It smells heavenly and the vase is so pretty in my kitchen window.


  1. The flowers are very pretty, and I love the vase.

  2. Those blooms are very pretty, I'm glad they finally grew! What a cool vase as well!

  3. we're not tired of them - they are better lookin' than your kids
