Monday, April 14, 2008

Announcing Max

Ryan and Emilia added a new member to the family over the weekend. Meet Max, a mixed breed from the Arizona Humane Society. Emilia went to look at cats. Ryan took her back on Sunday for Max. Reminds me of their car shopping. Emilia thought they were buying an economy car for work. Ryan took her back for a Jeep. Ah, wedded bliss. Max came for his first visit tonight. He growled at his new grandparents as they attempted to figure out their estimated tax. However, he seems to have adjusted to his new parents fairly well. He peed on my flowers out back. So much for a first impression.

Please note the new light over the kitchen sink. The old fixture nearly burned the house down. Luckily, I was standing right there as flames erupted and promptly flipped the switch. I love this new light with directional bulbs - sort of like tract lighting in a circle. The circle part was important. It covered the blackened ceiling so that I didn't have to repaint. And, yes, your father hired a licensed electrician to install said light and did not attempt to correct things on his own. You can now see to bake cookies, do dishes in the sink, and load the dishwasher. Very nice!


  1. Wow, I didn't even know Ryan liked dogs! How crazy! I like your light fixture too, how creepy that the other one went out like that.

  2. Emilia is very patient . . . hopefully Max will make Ryan look good :)
