Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patricks Day - my "ho, hum" holiday

I've never much cared for this holiday. As a child, it meant avoiding getting pinched and it seems I always did, wearing of the green or not. As a teacher, I was just grateful that it always fell during Spring Break! Today I wore my red shirt and red shoes (new and sooo cute by Teva.) We haven't much Irish in us, only the Fitzgerald line on your dad's side. Your dad bought this purple shamrock plant a couple of weeks ago. My plant that weekend was a bleeding heart. The shamrock plant has had delicate lavender blooms. Hopefully, mine will someday have red heart shaped blooms, just like Grandma B's.
This is my most charming, latest project. Today, let's call it a little Irish cottage. I landscaped it a week ago with small succulents, sand, and small rocks. I should have taken a picture a few days later when I discovered a dead bird in this small garden. It had the feel of a real bad science fiction flick or monster movie, but it would have provided a bit of scale for everyone. My hero, Glen, removed the bird from this peaceful resting place. To where, I did not ask.
Our project of this weekend was these lovely hanging baskets. These are one of your dad's dreams. They hopefully will grow into a great big hanging balls of foliage. Today, especially, notice the bright green sweet potato vines. Please ignore the pigeons in the background and maybe they will go away!

1 comment:

  1. Looks so lush! You need a beebee gun for those pigeons. Where are your sons when you need them? Are there pigeon control people out there?

    Keep it green! How's the desert looking?
