Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Final butterfly things

Heather was able to give us a very good lesson on the life cycle of the butterfly. I love how they are all little sponges just soaking up everything that they are learning at school.

Our final shots before leaving for home. Someone was very artistic with their backdrops.
TJ as a monarch butterfly.
Heather as a caterpillar.
Ruby as a monarch.

We didn't manage to get out of the garden without butterfly mood rings for the girls and an identification book for TJ. I had planned ahead for a surprise in the car for each child. The girls were thrilled with their new Fancy Nancy books. This new title includes a visit to the butterfly pavilion. TJ received a butterfly pop-up book by Robert Sabuda. As I turned onto the Galvin Parkway headed home, I overheard Heather from the back seat saying, "When you go on a trip with grandma, you get a wonderful surprise!"

I much prefer these field trips with grandkids vs. those with a bus load of 4th graders!


  1. Thanks for taking them, Laurel. They had a great time. Heather just HAD to wear the butterfly clip - too bad the butterflies weren't fooled! Ruby's wings are adorable.

  2. Raymond says, "TJ!!!! TJ!!!! Oh my gosh!!!!"

    Yes, he's still up at 11 pm. He took a LONG nap and is have good daddy and mommy time without the baby. We are making banana bars.

    It looks like a fun themed visit to the butterflies. You are the best grandma.

  3. They had so much fun! Thanks for taking them. I forgot to tell you that when Ruby woke up this morning, which was earlier then normal, she came into our room fully dressed with wings on and purse in hand and she goes, "I'm going to the butterflies today. I need some money. Can I have some money to go see the butterflies?" It was pretty funny. I guess she was excited.

  4. What a fun thing to be able to do with your grandkids and it's so beautiful! BTW-this is Jessica, Gloria's daughter :) I love all your pictures and can't wait until spring finally makes its way to Idaho. Do you mind if I put a link to you on my blog? Check us out....
