Tuesday, August 30, 2016

New park near Manti Temple

After making our way down from the mountain tops and Skyline Drive, we stopped in Mt. Pleasant and bought some items for a picnic lunch.  We drove on to Manti and found ourselves eating in a beautiful new park across HIghway 89 from the Manti Temple.

It is still one of my favorites!

The little park has been created in honor of the pioneers who settled the Sanpete Valley.

The park sits on the south end of the cemetery and includes statuary and message boards.

Perhaps it is wrong to call it a small park.  The correct name seems to be "Pioneer Heritage Gardens."

Besides the reflecting pool located in just the right place to mirror the temple, there is a small amphitheater.

It was just the right quick stop for a picnic and chance to stretch our legs and enjoy the temple.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting! Last night I was reading this - https://www.amazon.com/Building-Zion-Settlement-Architecture-Landscape/dp/0816689571 - specifically about the Manti temple!

    I want to go inside that temple as I've never been.

    I also read this article earlier this year: https://byustudies.byu.edu/content/minerva-teicherts-manti-temple-murals with an amazing history of how quickly Minerva painted the murals and her dedication to the task
