Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Yes, we were frozen

It has been a cold and snowy winter in Utah which has been great news for the Ice Castle in Soldier Hollow.  Last year was warm and there was hardly a castle at all.  This year that has changed.

We got out our warmest coats, best boots, and gloves and braved the cold and snow for a great hour or so of a fantasy adventure.

There is creativity involved in this venture.  Different ice forms, a bit of sculpturing, ice slides, icy slot canyons, and fountains and streams of running water.

There was even a snack shack for hot chocolate as needed as well as sugar cookies and cinnamon rolls.  We got to witness the daytime version as well as the after dark version.  At night those ice formations are multi-light filled and dance to the music.  It was a great outing.

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