Friday, October 17, 2014

Want s'more?

Once the highs hit below 90 degrees, it is time for Fall in Arizona.  Fall means lovely outdoor time which translates to a fire in the outdoor fireplace and s'mores.  Unlimited s'mores because that is how Grandpa Glen rolls.  I can hear you say, "A fire at almost 90 degrees?"  Why, of course, because Grandpa Glen also brought out his mister fans to cool off the grandkids as they roasted their marshmallows.

We were so fortunate to have so many family members in town during our long Arizona weekend.  Rachel, in shorts now that she is no longer a missionary, had just returned home that Tuesday from her 18 month mission to Washington State.  It was so fun to hear her talk about her experiences. She was so excited to show us her phone Instagram of the baptism that had just happened in Washington,  someone that she had been teaching.  It seemed like only yesterday that I had dropped her off at the MTC.

My sister, Jolene, was also in town as she was making her way back to New Mexico after a beach vacation in California with her family.  Rachel's older sisters had also been in town to see Rachel but had already caught flights back to school and work.

On can not live on s'mores alone so the Ray family brought homemade humus, salsa, and chips to share.

This backyard oasis that Glen and I created is still my happy place.  I hadn't let the cooler temps keep me out of the pool either.  Swimming laps in this beautiful backyard certainly trumps laps at the rec center.

I just kept breaking out another package of graham crackers and Hershey bars.

I'm pretty certain that Toby may have consumed the most s'mores.  I think he is getting ready for a enormous growth spurt!

Love, love my family!

The missionary excitement continues.  Rachel may be home, but Jenny, in the blue sweater, is preparing to leave for her mission to Chile in November.

My sister, Jolene's boys.  They are both now taller than I am.  Great young men!

It seems like just yesterday that tall Michael was getting home from his mission to Brazil.  Now he is happily married to the beautiful Joy.

Sadie, our baptism girl, made a s'more for her momma.  She is a thoughtful girl.

The hardest thing about leaving family behind for a year and a half or two years, is that the babies grow up.  The great thing about serving a mission is that you will never view the world in the same way.  Your eyes, heart, and mind will be enlightened and expanded.

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