Monday, April 14, 2014

Opal discovers the balcony and who needs cherry blossoms

Grandpa left the sliding glass door open for fresh air on Saturday.  Miss Opal was discovered sitting in the corner of the balcony all by herself.

She loved sitting high above the ground looking into the tree tops.  Big brother brought out some of grandpa's latest online purchases.

After a bit of discussion with these doggies . . .

she selected the one in her lap and took it home with her.  Notice the BOMA pen?  There is always one in her hand because you never know when you might need to promote the business or mark up a wall.

This is why she was so enamored with the balcony.  It really is beautiful out there right now.

All three trees on the east side are now in full bloom which means that every time I look out an east facing window (and that is most the windows in this house) this is what I see.

I love this great big window.  Last night I watched Mars and the moon rise over the mountains.  Right now I am surrounded by rainbows as the sunlight makes its way through all those prisms.

First thing this morning when I got up, it was all rosy light outside when I opened the front door.

And this is what I saw when I glanced out my favorite window.  Who needs cherry blossoms?

Remember those Thanksgiving Point tulips I bought last year and planted here and there?  Well, they are up!  The magic of it all is that you don't know what kind of tulips you are buying so it is also a surprise.

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