Sunday, March 23, 2014

Emilia's graduation

Finally, we arrived in Albuquerque just in time for Emilia's special night, her graduation from dental hygiene school.  She had already had the surprise of her life, her mother and sister at her door at four in the morning.  They had come from Brazil to see her celebrate this great milestone in her life.

The Brazilian community in the States stay connected via social media and Emilia has instant friends almost every where she goes.  The young lady in the stripped dress is one of them.

Her parents were also in the States has they had come to help with that cute baby girl you see in her father's arms.  Her parents would later become my house guests when they came to Arizona for the Gilbert Temple dedication weekend.

That is Emilia's sister, Amanda.  She is in the States for the first time ever and she is also beautiful, talented, and funny.

Glen and I wouldn't have missed this special event for anything.  We were so happy to be with Emilia and her other family.

My youngest sister, Jolene, lives in Albuquerque.

So does my only brother, Farrell.  Sister Becky came from Arizona.  She is always so supportive of family events.

There was a pre-event where special awards were given and a special candle lighting ceremony held.

This is the special award Emilia received.  They highlighted her great way with patients.  She will be such a great hygienist.  Not everyone received special awards.

Mothers always make sure there are flowers.

Before the graduation began with all the different groups, Emilia and I took advantage of an empty stage.

I am so proud of her.  Dental hygiene school is hard and intense.  One third of Emilia's class dropped out before the end.  Emilia still made it happen even with English as her second language.

You go girl!

I know that you have fallen in love with your new profession.

I could tell that you were loved by your fellow students as well as the teachers.

The next afternoon, Emilia had an open house to celebrate.  She is so clever and had the help of her sister, Isabella, who came with her little family from Arizona as well.

Isabella made this adorable cake and yes, those are dental floss sticks in the top of the cupcakes and tooth shaped sugar cookies.

Jolene and I were able to help with the final prep.

Each of those little signs has a tooth related label.

How do you think these things up?

The "Listerine" is blue Kool-aid and clear soda pop.

Now she is studying so hard for her board exams.  Keep her in your thoughts and prayers for me.  I know that she can do this last hard thing and then it is on to a new profession.


  1. I'm constantly amazed by you, Emilia. Congratulations!

  2. So glad you shared this special event here on the blog. I miss Emilia!
