Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Valentine weekend

I was able to enjoy some quality time last weekend with my sweetie.  With Friday being Valentine's Day and Monday being President's Day, I had four days with Glen when his clients didn't demand any of his time.  It was blissful.  On Saturday we visited Oscar and his parents in Salt Lake City for a bit, went to the book sale at the King's English bookstore, enjoyed a yummy lunch across the street at 15th and 15th intersection, and then ventured on to Park City to people watch.  We then found ourselves in Midway where it was warm and the ice was melting.

Folks were lined up to tour the ice castle before it closed for the season.  The warm weather was quickly turning everything to slush.

But it was still blue. . .

and other worldly. . .

and beautiful.

To give some scale, those are giant and very old pine trees in the background.

The ice castle is located right in downtown Midway at 100 N. and 100 West.  Make sure to plan for it next year.  Some beautiful music videos have been made in the castle this year by the Piano Guys and Alex Boye with Lexi Walker and the One Voice Children's Choir.  Take a look, enjoy the music from "Frozen" and Vivaldi's Winter, and see inside the castle.

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