Before leaving Fairview after our visit to the museum, we drove up 400 North east toward the canyon and mountains hoping to find some identification of Darius Salem Clement's land and farm. We knew we must be in the right area when we saw this sign.
This abandoned home was further east from Clements Lane.
Darius was know for his orchards and berries as well as his vegetable garden and flowers. These fruit trees were just west of the house.
This apple tree was simply covered with apples.
A "fair" view of Fairview and the valley from a point further north on Clements Lane.
I loved the fence surrounding the pasture across the "lane" from the street sign.
It was so peaceful with beautiful horses under the trees and beautiful clouds in the sky.
I want to retire here and spend time in a beautiful vegetable garden. This lot was along 400 North behind a beautifully kept older home.
Not this one but still another charming older home. It would be fun to know who first built this home as well as others.
The sheep were cute but they wouldn't look me in the eye.
An abandoned mill and granary stood in the middle of town on the east side. I love the juxtaposition of the modern truck with the old mill.
I'm fairly certain that I read once of a Brady child who died in a milling accident so that is what I thought of when saw this mill. Millers were important in those days as farmers needed mills and mill stones to turn their crops into flour and corn meal. Darius was trained as a miller by his uncle, Warren Foote, who was trained by his father-in-law, Jacob Myers. Jacob Myers built the mill and his son, George, was the miller at Haun's Mill in Missouri at the time of the massacre.
what a beautiful dream to live someplace like this someday!