Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lindsay Anderson Brady and Elizabeth Ann Hendrickson

Sundays seem like a good day to share family history.  Here is a bit of information about the Brady family.  This is a photograph of Lindsay Anderson Brady.  He was born to Thomas Brady and Elizabeth Bailey on June 11, 1811 in Lincoln County, Kentucky.

His wife, Elizabeth Ann Hendrickson (called Betsy) was born to Simeon Hendrickson and Keziah Paddix (Paddocks) on October 23, 1813 in Washington County, Kentucky.  Betsy and Lindsay were married on October 18, 1831.  Their first three sons were born in Kentucky, Simeon (who died in Nauvoo), Marion Hendrickson, and Warren Paddix.  That is also where they were introduced to the Mormon faith by Wilford Woodruff and his missionary companion, Warren Parrish.  They were baptized on November 15, 1835 by Wilford Woodruff.  Lindsay had the Aaronic Priesthood conferred upon him on September 2, 1836 when Wilford Woodruff returned for a conference of the Damon Creek Branch.

Lindsay's family disowned him for joining the church but Betsy's family were also converted.  On April 24, 1837 the Brady family left Kentucky for Far West, Missouri in the Henry G. Sherwood company.  There were 89 people in their group.  They bought land on Shoal Creek in Livingston County and farmed that summer but later moved within six miles of Far West and settled on Log Creek.  Their first daughter, Elizabeth Ann, was born here. They later fled with the rest of church members to Illinois and lived in Nauvoo.  Lindsay worked on the Nauvoo Temple.  Three more children were born while in Nauvoo including Keziah Frances, Jordan, and Tranquilla.

Jordan would become Glen's great great grandfather.  The above is a picture of Jordan with his wife, Mary Lovina Howell, and their children.  Glen's great grandmother, Sarah Matilda, is seated on the left side of the front row.

This is a photo of Jordan with his brothers. Lindsay and Betsy left Nauvoo with their children in 1846 and traveled across Iowa to the Missouri River.  They settled on the east side of the river at Big Mosquito Creek for three years where they grew crops.  On June 14, 1850 they start for the Salt Lake Valley with the Warren Foote Company (I always find it fascinating when Glen and my ancestors intersect in the past.)  I have great admiration for Betsey for her son Lindsey Anderson Brady, Jr. was born on July 11, 1850 on the banks of the Platte River near Julesburg, Nebraska.  Jordan Brady's age is listed as 7 years old on the Company records.  Betsey was 36 and Lindsay was 39.  Warren Paddix was 13 and Marrion Hendrickson was 15.

Here are Lindsay and Betsy's daughters.  Elizabeth Ann was 11, Keziah Frances was 9, and Tranquilla Ann was 4.  The photo within a photo is Keziah. Sarah Matilda, standing, was born in Utah.

Once in the Valley the family settled in the Little Cottonwood Creek area in Union.  It was here that Sarah Matilda was born on November 30, 1852.  Jordan named one of his own daughters Sarah Matilda after her aunt.  That child later married Jesse Warren Clement and became Glen's great grand mother.  As their family expanded they needed more land.  North Bend (Fairview) in the Sanpete Valley was chosen and they settled there in 1859.

Lindsay and Elizabeth are both buried in the Fairview Cemetery.

The inscription reads:

My Dear Beloved Father In Peace May You Rest While In Heaven Your Spirit Will Be Blessed With the Blessed To Forsake The Vain World With Its Vice and Its Crime And To Dwell With Our Father In Heaven Divine

This inscription reads:

In Memory of Elizabeth Ann Brady, Daughter of Simeon and Keziah Hendrickson, Born Oct 23 1813 in KY, Died Aug 7 1891
Dearest Mother We have laid thee in the Peaceful Graves embrace But thy memory will be cherished till we see thy Heavenly face

I did not find an obituary for Lindsey but here is Betsey's.

Deseret News
September 12, 1891

BRADY - Elizaabeth Ann Hendrickson, relict of Lindsey A Brady, died in Fairview, Sanpete County August 7th, 1891. She was born October 23, 1813, in Washington County, Kentucky.
Deceased, with her husband, was baptized by Elder Wilford Woodruff November 15th, 1835, and shared with the Saints the privations and persecutions incident to their travels and sojourn in Missouri and Illinois. She with her family came to Utah in 1850, locating in Union, Salt Lake County, where she remained till 1859, when she removed to Fairview, Sanpete County, residing there till the time of her death. With a number of others she received her endowments in the Nauvoo Temple, and remained true and faithful in the Gospel to the last. She was the mother of ten children, eight of whom are still living. She had also ninety one grandchildren and 111 great grandchildren, by whom and a large circle of relatives and friends she was greatly beloved.


  1. Thanks for sharing! Warren Paddix Brady is my great great great grandfather.

  2. Jordan would be my great great great grandpa. THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing this! My mom and I were recently at the graves in Fairview. We also took pics of the Museum which was where my grandma Carol Brady Pedersen went to school.

  3. Thank you so much for posting this wonderful history and photos. Lindsay and Elizabeth are my 3rd great grandparents. In 2015 while taking my twin sons to Utah to serve missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints, my husband, my sons and myself went to Fairview and visited the cemetery where their tombstones lie and where their home is still standing. It was a humbling experience for me.

  4. It's always wonderful to meet a cousin ... Tranquilla Ann Brady Stevens was my great-great grandmother.

  5. Thank you for these pictures and your notes. What a treat! I randomly came across your blog post. Lindsay Anderson Brady is my 3x gr.grandfather(I think, I don't have my pedigree with me at the moment. Mervin Lindsay Brady is my paternal grandfather.

  6. Do you know where I can find histories of his other wives, Susana and Caroline? Thanks for any help you can offer.

  7. lindsey Anderson Brady is my great, great grandfater. My grandmother is Annie May Brady who married Clarence Rostrom. My mom is Dorothy May Rostrom.
