Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Summer Vacation 2013 - Day 4

Day 4 was a quiet day.  A very needed quiet day.  We slept in, then checked the view out the window.

Yes, there were three windows.  Our room was a corner room.  I loved watching this magnificent tree wave at me when there was a breeze.

 See, I told you it was magnificent!

This is looking west towards the neighbor's dock.  This was the day I finally donned my swimsuit and hit the water.  I swam from dock to dock and floated and felt very happy.  My face is still peeling.  We also watched the grand kids become skilled 'kayakers' while their parents went back to Palmyra for alone time and to attend the Palmyra Temple.

After our swimming and kayaking was done, everyone showered and we drove to the Village of Ovid for wings and pizza.  We then went exploring and found a fruit stand in Interlaken with fresh picked cherries and blueberries.  These were the biggest blueberries I had ever seen.  I will never be happy with store bought blueberries again.  These little produce stands along the side of the road are based the the honor system.  There is a little metal box with a slit attached to the stand for your money.

Glen kept saying, "With all these dairy farms there has to be great ice cream."  Well we found it on Highway 89 in Interlaken.  Cayuga Lake Creamery is famous and crowded and has the best ice cream!

So hard to choose.  That is why Eric and family had already been there Monday night and was where Glen and I would find ourselves once again on Friday to say goodbye.

That evening we traded off the kids and Glen and I drove to Palmyra.  We wanted to hear Terryl and Fiona Givens speak at the Palmyra Stake Center.

They would be discussing their latest book, "The God Who Weeps,"  which both Glen and I had read and loved.

We felt very fortunate to drive into the parking lot just as the Givens did.  It gave us a moment to talk with them.  We shared our story of meeting Terryl's father, George, in Nauvoo a dozen years ago and introducing him to our son, David Foote.  We also told of our experience of hearing George's conversion story while with him at the Old Nauvoo Burying Ground.   We felt it fortuitous that we were meeting Terryl in person in New York as he is also a descendant of the David Foote who settled Dryden, New York but is buried in Nauvoo.  It was wonderful to hear them speak in person as they addressed the topics covered in their book.  I first became aware of Terryl as an author when I read an article he had written in BYU Today magazine.  I loved it so much that I read it multiple times.  That germ of an article was the basis for this book.

We drove past the Hill Cumorah once again on our way out of town as the skies began to darken.  It was early to bed for we had a grand adventure planned for the next day.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for watching the kids on your "quiet" day so we could enjoy the temple. It's beautiful, especially since you can see the Sacred Grove from the window.

    The kids begged me to buy blueberries when we got home. I agree -- the ones at our grocery stores just don't compare! The ones you bought were the biggest, sweetest blueberries I ever tasted. Thanks for sharing them with us :)
