Tuesday, April 16, 2013

MTC Deliveries

It has been a fun, though cold week in Provo town.  I had the privilege of dropping off three relatives at the Mission Training Center.  Last October at General Conference it was announced that young women could begin serving as missionaries at 19 years of age and young men at 18.  My niece, Rachel, took that news to heart and made the choice to serve.  Last Wednesday I picked her up from the SLC airport and took her to Brick Oven  for lunch.

Wednesday is the big entry day for missionaries at the MTC and Brick Oven offers lunch for free to them on that day.  They also send them off with a little treat bag.  It always warms my heart to see family members and friends sharing a lunch together with their missionary before a long goodbye.

The delivery system has changed drastically since my days of dropping off my sons for missionary service.  There is now curbside service where you pull up after waiting in line, an Elder helps you unload the car, offers to take a picture, and then waves the driver on their way.  Isn't that great that Rachel's paternal aunts gave her luggage, polka dot luggage.  It sure was easy to pick it out at the SLC airport.  Rachel will be in Provo a couple of months learning Spanish.  She will ten serve in the Kennewick Washington Mission for eighteen months.

Yesterday morning I made two more deliveries. Monday mornings senior missionaries arrive at the MTC.  They are still dropped off, but it is less rushed.  It has become common for couples to serve as missionaries after retirement serving in any number of places doing any number of things.

Joyce is my husband's older sister.  She and her husband, George, will be serving in the Morristown, New Jersey mission in support of the younger missionaries for a year.

Next Friday we will pick them up and they will stay overnight again before we take them to the SLC airport on Saturday morning where they will fly out to begin their new adventure and making their dream come true.

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