Monday, March 25, 2013

Ranunculus are blooming

I know that Arizona spring has arrived when the ranunculus bloom in big round puffy bursts of color.

They bloom and make me happy for days and after they fade and the foliage browns I dig up the bulbs and store them inside in a brown paper sack during our hot summer.

I plant the bulbs again in the fall after it cools down and viola, blooms burst out in March over and over again year after year.

How amazing is that?!

Pick a color, any color.

None will disappoint.

If you are ever in Carlsbad, CA in March or April go to the Flower Gardens on the hill overlooking the ocean and you will find a literal rainbow of ranunculus blooms.

I like to mix them up with the Icelandic poppies.

The more sun they get, the earlier they bloom.  I put a few in a pot out front which just has morning sun.  They bloomed this week.

Red and white with something still to come on the left.

I might need to start labeling my paper bags before I store them.

Everything else out front is pink or purple or yellow.


  1. Beautiful! I love that you do this every year.

  2. Don't know if you'll ever see this comment--as it is long past when you did this post--but just wanted you to know I found these pictures of yours of Ranunculous on a cold dreary January morning- and they have lifted my spirits!
    Thank you for sharing such loveliness.
    It is always nice to find a kindred spirit out there who has the same feeling about beautiful things that I do. :)
