Friday, February 22, 2013

Rare weather event

I missed it.  Snow in Mesa, Arizona!  I was up north where there has been snow on the ground for months, yes, months.  Utah has been experiencing its coldest winter since 1949 and so have I.  In fact, there is new snow this morning I hear.  Luckily, I also have monthly escapes to Mesa, Arizona.  I come back and check on my plants and flowers and get my hands dirty while the sunshine warms my bones.  I found it kind of funny, now that I am part Utahan, how excited all my FB and blogger friends were about a bit of white stuff.  I just had to share this picture I found from January 21, 1937 of the Mesa Arizona Temple with a good amount of snow on the ground.  Yes, snow happens even in warm places at times.


  1. Even though I spent a lot of years living in snowy places, I got excited about the snow here this week. It was just unique -- very fun and magical. I was at the dance studio waiting for Julianna when it happened, and seeing all the little girls there run out the door in their leotards to laugh and dance and play in the snow was just a good reminder of all the wonder and joy this world has to offer! Made me smile :)

  2. Oh, wish I could have seen that. That's how I felt about the first snowfall in November in Utah. Not so much anymore :)
