Saturday, February 2, 2013

More Maisie

I just finished the 10th in the series of Maisie Dobbs novels, Leaving Everything Most Loved, by Jacqueline Winspear.  I have enjoyed these mysteries based in England following WWI.  This time Maisie is trying to discover who has killed two women from India.  She is also trying to discover what it is that she most wants from life and by the end of the book has boarded a ship for India hoping to expand her world vision.  I really look forward to these books, usually published once per year.  The characters are well developed, the settings well described, and moral dilemmas explored from all sides.  I highly recommend this series.

Luckily for me I was able to read an advanced reader copy of this book provided to me by my book blogging DIL.  The book should be at your local book store the first of March.

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