Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A blog entry about a blog and fabric friends

My little blog is now 5 years old.  My lovely DIL, Sally, created it for me as a birthday present in 2007.  It has been one of the joys of my life.  It was Sally who first called it "A Place to Share" and that is what it has been for me, a place to share my thoughts, life, hobbies, and beautiful family.  I thought I would just be sharing with my family and friends. Earlier this month when looking at the stats I thought, "This blog will probably reach 40,000 page views by my birthday and blog anniversary."  Well yesterday, that is just what happened. 

I know that is peanuts to full-time bloggers, but it kind of blows this blogger's mind.  When I look at my audience and how it has become worldwide it really humbles me but also makes me feel a part of a worldwide community.  My original intended audience and blog circle of family has moved on to Instagram and my daughter put that on my phone a couple of weeks ago so I could keep up, but I still enjoy the blogging format and my pictorial journal.  To those I follow, thank you for sharing yours.

This morning I've been putting together a quilt top of all these fabric girls holding hands.  It has been a very fun project.

I'm taking a break due to an issue with a inner border.  I'm hoping for inspiration while my mind does something else.


  1. I am glad you have had this over the years, very fun to keep up with all you are up to. I hope you had a wonderful birthday, we love you!

  2. That's a slog of blog Laurel! I always enjoy reading it.
