Saturday, June 30, 2012

Wasatch Quilt Shop Hop

I was so excited when I realized I would be in Utah during the Wasatch Quilt Shop Hop.  Even better, I would have my oldest granddaughter in Utah with me.  Luckily, Janae and her boys had moved into their new home just in time to let Toby hang out with them while we hopped.  Toby would have hated the Quilt Shop Hop in direct correlation to how much Heather enjoyed it.

The theme this year was old yet timeless TV series.  If you just guessed that Thimbles and Threads was "Gilligan's Island" you would be correct. There was a beachy theme in the basement.  I love this shop in an old building in Draper which used to house chickens or at least their eggs.  We didn't leave empty handed.  Heather got some material that looked like it would work for a doll mermaid costume and I bought a pattern and some fabric for another Schnibbles quilt.

I couldn't leave Draper without a visit to Relation Street and a family history lesson for Heather.  This little house is one of the oldest in Draper.  Lauritz Smith, the Danish blacksmith, built this house for his first wife when the Edmunds Act was passed in 1882 and it became illegal to have two wives in the same dwelling.

This was the first time that I noticed the plaque in the front yard telling about the house.  Her grandson, Joseph Lauritz Smith, eventually took over the home.

Glen's grandmother, June, was born in the older part of the house to Joseph and his wife Melissa Ann Fitzgerald. June was eventually joined by 8 more siblings all raised in this tiny little house.  June went on to raise her family in a home she and Raymond Baker built just down the street.

It was so peaceful here as we stopped and gazed from the street.  There were birds winging from tree to tree and butterflies and dragon flies flitting about.  I know that one of Lauritz's descendents still lives in this home in its park like setting.

Our next stop was Quilt Etc. in Sandy.  I neglected to take any pictures, but the classroom area was set up as the bar in "Cheers."  Lucky for us, there were giant pretzels, peanuts, nachos, and drinks so that pretty much provided lunch.  Heather was thrilled with the "bounce game" and the fat quarters that she won.

Before taking out the camera again, we also stopped at the Deseret Book store in Fort Union which has a quilt store upstairs.  They had appropriately selected "Little House on the Prairie" for their theme. I found a bit of Ruby fabric to use for the backing of my doll bed quilts and I let Heather pick out her favorite of the pioneer dressed rag dolls.

I found my camera again when we reached Elaine's Quilt Block.  They were in "Mash" mode.

I loved this sign pointing the way to all 14 shops participating in this hop.  We didn't make all of them, there just wasn't enough time (or energy :) plus we didn't want Toby to wear out his welcome.

This fun military ambulance was parked out front and there were free books for the children and patterns for the adults.

I heard that someone in the neighborhood owned the ambulance and loaned it for a few days usage at Elaine's.

We decided to try and make our way to Sugar House home of Piper's Quilts and Comforts next.  This was also a new stop for me.

It will now be a regular stop.  It was homey and cute and very creative and even had smocked garments on display as well as a few patterns.  Piper has started an American Girl Doll Club and that caught Heather's interest right away.  I bought her first pattern and kit for a dress and sun hat for 18 inch dolls.  Looks like I'll have to check in monthly to see her latest doll designs.

Her display doll was actually Pottery Barn's version of an AG doll.  She told us that she likes Pottery Barn's doll better and talked us into checking them out at the Pottery Barn store at Trolley Square.  So that was the end of our quilt shop tour.  It didn't take much to convince us to change plans because I had been wanting to check out bookshelves and Heather wanted to see the dolls.  We had a great time exploring both Pottery Barn Kids and the main store.

And Janae's child care payment for keeping Toby?  We popped into the Western Garden Center just west of Trolley Square and rummaged through the last of their veggie plants.  We picked up some tomato, basil, cucumber, pumpkin, and watermelon plants for the garden grow boxes left behind in her new backyard.  I even went back a few afternoons later and helped Janae and the boys plant them out.  Next year, I'll have to visit the quilt shops on the west side of the Salt Lake Valley.


  1. So fun, and I will have to join you next year when have a better stamina! Also really enjoying the garden right now, really looking forward to this fall.

  2. Man, did I miss a good one--I hope a end up with such a like minded granddaughter!

  3. I had the cutest conversation with Toby about how boring it was! Then we talked about his going back to the condo. He didn't want to go; he wanted to stay and play with Astro and shoot the bb gun. So cute. Anyway, he said, "The condo isn't our home, but sometimes we think it is because Grandma Jensen has made it so homely."
