Sunday, June 24, 2012

Images of Christ at the Garden

Something new and exciting is happening at the Thanksgiving Point Gardens in Lehi, Utah.  Angela Johnson's bronze sculptures depicting the life of Christ are being installed in a beautiful part of the garden.  Some are life size like this one of Christ walking on water.

And this one of Christ carrying the cross.

Many are small, but still beautiful depictions such as this one of the Father and the Son appearing to Joseph Smith.  There is currently a fund drive underway to fund the final sculpture garden of full size images.

The images are detailed and moving.

They evoke feelings of compassion. . .

and great empathy. . .

including this one of the raising of Lazarus.

I think it will be a wonderful addition to the gardens.

And I can't wait for the completed installation in the next year or two.

I hope that you have been enjoying a peaceful and rewarding Sabbath Day.

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