Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Early Easter Egg Hunt

It was the first day of April with Easter just a week away. We are not fools and decided that it was the perfect day for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Our hunt might be the first of many, but we would be first.

Grandpa Glen ramped it up a bit this year. He added balloons and turned on the bubble machine. Grandson, TJ, spent part of the weekend with us helping with preparations.

He also took care of the bubble machine. It's interesting to move to a new level with the grand children when they help with the activity rather than just come for the activity.

Grandpa Glen also invited the neighborhood children (we've had several move in over the last year of so) and a few friends to join the grandchildren. He lined them up by age and gave them different start times.

My sister Becky brought her granddaughter, Emma, who had an early start time.

Granddaughter Mabel also was an early hunter. Did you notice her bunny bag?

Kid heaven! Balloons, bubbles, and eggs with surprises! Mae's parents loved watching their little cutie at her first walking egg hunt.

Soon the whole line was released to hunt.

Many of the adults watched from the street. Now for some individual pictures of my very cute grands.





(almost a grand because I am her great aunt :)

More Mae
(because she is at such a cute age :)


Heather with her new glasses

And TJ, the best helper ever. Did I tell you that he helped fill about 500 eggs? Did I tell you that he also now looks me in the eye?

We had a great time with the neighbors, friends, and family. We really missed those who live away :(

Next year?


  1. Looks like so much fun, what cuties.

  2. your family is so big, many people in your family, that's realy good
