Thursday, March 15, 2012

Grandchildren update

Now that I have paid for the ability to save and share lots of pictures on my blog, I am going to deluge you with a month's worth of pictures of grandchildren. Enjoy! (or at least, Grandpa Glen, enjoy!)

Ruby, Sadie and I went to the movies while their mother was running another Ragnar. We saw "Arrietty" based on the children's' book "The Borrowers" and produced in Japan. The animation definitely has a Japanese touch which was beautiful to look at and the characters were engaging. The story has been updated with contemporary characters while the setting looks like modern Japan. We very much enjoyed it. I had taken the girls to see the Childsplay production of "The Borrowers" last spring while their parents were in Italy. I asked them if they liked the movie or the play more. Sadie, ever the pragmatist, said she liked them both the same amount.

My husband and my sons go out of their way to gift one another with unlikely and totally impractical gifts. Glen finally got to share his birthday gift from son #2 with everyone. It was a box of noses, enough for everyone to take a sniff. Cute Julianna in pink.

Toby, who must have told a lie.

Lovely Heather who managed to make it fit with her glasses.

Toby with a front view.

Sadie with a really big snoozer.

And Ruby with her own nose. There are some things that she just refuses to wear like pre-school graduation hats and anything with buttons on the front plus rubber noses.

Son #1 purchased tickets to "Kid History" at Mountain View for the same night that he had already purchased tickets for he and the wife to see "Wicked" at the Gammage in Tempe. Grandpa stepped up and took the grand kids to "Kid History" where he waited in line for 45 minutes so that they could get this picture with the stars with his phone. They were introducing Episode 8.

The three oldest stayed overnight while Julianna went with Emelia to her sister's house to spend the night. After a pancake breakfast held by the Young Women at the church to raise funds for camp this summer, we took our three to see the progress on the new temple in Gilbert. The outer shell is almost complete and it is easy to see how it will look when completed. Isn't TJ looking handsome and so grown up?

Maybe Heather will get married here some day.

The temple is going up fast just like Toby.

Those slabs of stone must be really heavy. It would be fun to go on a weekday and watch those cranes at work. The temple can be seen from the 202 and is at Pecos and Greenfield.

Last week I drove to California and to spend time with Raymond and Henry while their father worked and their mother remembered how she felt while pregnant. They spent lots of time doing this, you know, video games. Their mother spent one of the days at the hospital getting rehydrated and finally getting a prescription for Zofran. Good times. A nanny has been hired for a couple of months but I bet she won't make Janae homemade noodles and mashed potatoes. That was one thing she actually craved.

Daughter has spent 3 birthdays now not wanting to eat. All her babies seem to want to born in the fall. We couldn't pass on candles and a cake, however. It was her birthday! Henry helped me mix up red velvet cupcakes and a layer cake while Raymond was at school.

Then they both helped to decorate. Henry picked out the sprinkles, cupcake liners and candles.

We had a real party because son #3 had driven his family over to spend Spring break with their other grandma who lives just across the hill. They came to not only wish Janae a happy birthday but to drop off David who would drive back to Arizona with me. Henry is sharing his new Barbie movie with everyone. He's going through a bit of a Barbie phase.

I really enjoyed the ride home with David. Not only did he drive, but we talked for 5 hours! I think I need to plan a long road trip with each of my children solo.

Where did I sleep? Why on the bottom bunk of course. It was really comfortable!

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