Sunday, February 12, 2012

The grand boys have a turn

The grand boys also had a sleepover, the first of 2012. They got to go with grandma and grandpa to pick up the new to us used car.

I'm excited about my new wheels. It has lots of extras which make the hubby happy. He was even happier to find an almost new car with low miles plus all the extras for a good price.

Guess who drove it all weekend?

Of course, we had to feed them lots of pizza on Friday night. Saturday morning found us at Chick-fil-A for breakfast. I love that they serve my favorite orange juice.

It turned out that this sign was false advertising. It states, "Give us one pound of chocolate cookie pieces, and we'll give you and your friends 384 large Cookies & Cream Hand-Spun Milkshakes." The help claimed the 384 was just our table number.

Grandpa Glen is responsible for this out of focus picture. He wanted to document Toby's current tooth situation.

After breakfast, we were at the theater for the first movie of the day. We went to Tempe Market Place to see "Hugo" in 3D. "Hugo" is based on this book that won the Caldecott Award in 2008. We all enjoyed the movie and I loved the way the 3D effects were so well used in the story.

I took the above picture to point out one very disturbing event. TJ has almost caught up to his grandpa in height. What!!?

Now for a bit of a repeat. Once again we stopped at the new Dunkin Donuts for another dozen.

As you can see, this made Toby very happy.

The over two hour movie made TJ tired, so he decided to take a nap (probably because he is growing so fast!), Toby got his favorite toy bins out of the closet, grandpa mowed the lawn, and grandma planted some more flowers before returning the boys to their home. As we used the key pad to get through the gate, a male voice welcomed us. We quickly decided that that grandma's "car girl" should meet "gate guy." They both have such nice voices!


  1. Lucky boys! Now I know why they want me to entertain them all day on Saturdays . . . ;) Toby found his 3D glasses in his jacket pocket on the way to school and was excited to have them as a reminder of his fun time - thanks!

  2. Your car girl would probably get tired of "Gate Guy" pretty fast. He's not the best conversationalist -- I've only ever heard him say "Please enter." Make she could draw him out a little?? He's probably just shy ...
