Thursday, January 5, 2012

Civil War Quilt Blocks finished, almost

47 Dixie Tea

The weekly posting of Civil War Quilt blocks during 2011 ended on the 53rd Saturday, the last day of 2011. With the holidays, I got behind, so while Glen watched bowl games on Monday I worked on my blocks. When I look at my tin box full of blocks, it makes me very happy.

The above block represents the creativity which people had to use during the Civil War to find a substitute drink for tea.

48 West Virginia

Once again I wrestled with "Y" seams on this block in honor of West Virginia.

49 Yankee Puzzle

Yankee Puzzle looks complicated but was really one of the easier blocks. Look closely and you will see 4 small blocks just the same and turned for effect.

50 Grapes of Wrath

I broke down and bought a fat quarter on sale which was on the purple side just for this block. How can one have grapes without purple?

51 New York

I loved using my tiny flower stripe in this flag block.

52 Christmas Star

I just finished this more complicated block yesterday. I had skipped it until I had more time. I had looked on the flicker group and liked how some had made it look like a wreath in the center. I think in a redo I would move the paisley corners to the outside. I think the blue would have made the wreath stand out more, but there will be no redo.

53 Union Shield

The last block was simple and bold. The suggested layout is to have 7 X 8 blocks. That would make 56 and Barbara Brackman suggested making 4 of this block for the corners. I considered this, but instead have decided to make three more different versions of block 2, North Star, instead.

That is why I am almost finished. I also decided to applique a "Seven Sisters" block now that I am comfortable with hand applique. I have finished 6 stars, just 1 to go!


  1. Like all you CW blocks, I still have the last four to do. I didn't like the shield until I saw yours, especially like the blue you used on the bottom half. Used your directions to follow your blog and it worked. Thank you.

  2. Wow - looking cool - can't wait to see finished product (is there an add'l product in the form of a quilt?)

  3. your patching is very accurate - well done! Didee

  4. Would you mind sharing the quilt blocks patterns with me? ! I want to make a Civil war quilt so bad and just can't seem to find any patterns and replica fabrics anywhere. Could you please help me with this? ! Thanks so much.

  5. Love #48, West Virginia, the colors are stunning! Can you share the name of the fabric line, name?

  6. This was a Civil War Commemoration quilt along with directions for blocks given on Barbara Brackman's blog each Saturday in 2011. I don't know if you could still find them on her blog. My fabrics were a wide assortment of different lines and now it is so far away I don't remember any names. I finally finished hand quilting my quilt a couple of months ago. Search my side bar for Civil War quilt.
