Saturday, December 31, 2011

Falvia de Luce entertains me

I first blogged about Flavia de Luce here. I was entranced with 11-year-old Flavia and her unusual skills and ability in solving mysteries while having adventures. Time passed by and I was unaware that Alan Bradley was busy writing sequel after sequel after sequel. That meant catch up reading time during the month of December after I became aware that there was more Flavia de Luce.

I read them in order and realized that Flavia was living out her 11th year book by book and season by season.

So it seemed appropriate that as Christmas approached that I was back in time with Flavia while snow was falling and Christmas was coming to the ancient country house of Buckshaw, home of the de Luce family for centuries. Yes, there was a murder to solve and tense moments, but Flavia made it all so entertaining.

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