Monday, November 7, 2011

A traveling two weeks

I've been away from home the last two weeks which meant no sewing machine. I can't be without a project so I hand appliqued the handles for my flower basket blocks while away.

And I also prepared Julianna's bishop style smocked birthday dress with its coordinating jacket so I could do the smocking and embroidery work while away. I finished all the needlework except for three embroidered roses on the jacket front before returning home. Now on to the sewing machine! I can't wait to show you the finished project. It's colorful, just like Julianna's personality.

I realized on the way to Utah that I would be able to hear Senator Joe Lieberman speak at a Forum at BYU the next day. I was up early to hit the BYU Bookstore for a copy of his new book before heading to the Hinckley Center for the book signing then the Marriott Center for his presentation.

(And yes, there were secret service agents with ear pieces accompanying the Senator.)

His new book is titled "The Gift of Rest." While explaining the tradition of the Jews weekly Shabbat, he also challenges everyone to honor the Sabbath as a day of rest and renewal and a way to a better quality of life and strengthening of moral values. I very much enjoyed reading "The Gift of Rest" and found much to ponder and to think about in relation to the way I keep the Sabbath Day.

You can read a review of Senator Lieberman's book in The Washington Times here.

Because I was early, I made my way down to the floor of the Marriott Center.

Senator Lieberman's remarks had much to do with politics and religion and the current presidential election. He will be retiring after 20 + years in the Senate. That is the current president of BYU in the corner of the picture. President Cecil Samuelson and the Senator must have some kind of personal relationship as President Samuelson's review is one of those included in the front of the new book. Elders Quentin R. Cook and L. Tom Perry were also in attendance.

For the text of Senator Lieberman's remarks entitled "Faith in the Public Square" go here.

Provo was in the midst of autumn splendor and as I walked back to the townhouse from campus, I snapped away. I'll share those pictures tomorrow.

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