Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bread, butter, and more

Women are so generous. We asked for donations of homemade bread.

Loaf after loaf of beautiful bread flowed into the stake center kitchen yesterday.

We provided the butter and honey, but the music and speakers of the General Relief Society Meeting Broadcast provided the true sweetness.

Our generous Relief Society sisters also provided homemade butters and jams which provided more flavor. Watching the women enjoying one an other's company added that extra something to this long planned for event. Thank you for donating these things made with your very hands and for joining with us for an evening of genuine sisterhood.


  1. It was a wonderful evening. Thanks for all your work so the rest of us could come and relax and enjoy it all!

  2. MMMM. Yummy!!! Cant resist it any more.
    Keep blogging.
