Most of August thus far has been spent in the mountains of Utah. It certainly has greater charms than the deserts of Arizona this time of year.

Our first mountain stop, Big John's Flat in the mountains above Beaver. There we found Glen's Baker relatives camping and visiting, something they do the first full weekend of August every year.

Glen loves to visit with his maternal uncles and their spouses up on the mountain. This year there were no maternal aunts. Sometimes it's hard for them to be comfortable at such high altitudes. Big John's Flat is not far from the tree line. They were discussing another location for next year as the road leading to the Flat will be closed for repairs and
stabilization next summer.
Fortunately, the following weekend we were able to visit with the maternal aunts and spouses at the Smith family reunion at the new Smith Park in Draper. We also received a copy of "The Adventures of Ralph Smith" from his sister, Reva. Ralph and Reva are both Grandma June Baker's siblings. It was actually his life story, but there is enough material there for me to write a
children's book series, "The Misadventures of
Ralphie." Ralph will celebrate his 96
th birthday tomorrow.
We also visited with their other living sibling, Wanda, and Ralph's wife, Barbara. I was also introduced to a few cousins, including Carl Baird whom I had heard about for years. It was a nice afternoon at the park, which is located on land originally farmed by the Joseph Lauritz Smith and Melissa Fitzgerald Smith family and which Ralph took over at the death of his father.
Joseph Lauritz Smith and Melissa Fitzgerald Smith family
This picture was taken in Red Lodge, Montana in June of 1934 when some of the family went to visit with daughter, June Smith Baker and husband, Raymond Baker when Raymond worked there for a time. L to R standing back: Ralph, Ruth, Arnold, and then Melissa. Wanda is standing in front of Melissa and granddaughter, Elma (June's youngest at the time) is standing in front of Wanda. Verla is standing in front of Ralph. Joseph is seated and holding his youngest daughter, Reva and granddaughter, Rita ( June's oldest). Reva and Rita are just 23 days apart in age.

Glen worked during the week along the Wasatch Front, but the next weekend found us on the back side of the Wasatch Mountains.

We enjoyed a
barbecue up on the mountain at

Followed by a summer theater production in the

Can you guess what musical we were watching?

Your right! That's Maria singing her way down the mountain on her way to meet the children of Captain Von

It was a perfect setting to watch the "Sound of Music" as the hills were truly alive with the sound of music. We loved every minute of the performance, even the sudden rail squall. It occurred during the scene where the children are all landing in Maria's bed during a thunderstorm. Perfect timing!

We began BYU Education Week classes the 2
nd week. Monday was a short day, so I tagged along with Glen to Park City for a late afternoon appointment. It was a stunning drive through Provo Canyon,
Heber, and on into Park City from the east. The "Tour de Utah" international bike race over the weekend was held on this same route. I couldn't resist this picture of hollyhocks in front of an old miner's home now painted purple.

Nor this sunflower
back lit by the sun.
The best place to be in August has to be the Utah mountains.