Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Family Trip, Days 5 & 6

Sunday morning, day 5, found us up early and on our way to Salt Lake City and the Conference Center to see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir as they taped their weekly 'Music and the Spoken Word' television program. We knew it would be a patriotic program and Glen was anxious to hear the 'Battle Hymn of the Republic.' He actually heard it three times; the practice version before the taping, the taped version, and then because it wasn't perfect an additional time to patch into the broadcast. It made his day.

It is always so amazing to hear the choir in person. During the tourist season, they move their broadcast from the Tabernacle to the Conference Center to accommodate the crowds and there was a crowd. President Utchdorf and his wife were also in attendance. They ask that only those 8 and older attend their broadcasts, so this outing included just Glen, Lynette, niece Sarah, and myself. It was also Sarah's birthday.

Once back at the townhouse, Lynette helped me prepare a Sunday ham dinner complete with homemade rolls for all the family including Sarah. Later in the afternoon I made homemade vanilla ice cream to go with the 6 half gallons of BYU Creamery ice cream we had purchased for our Jensen Family Ice Cream Social. We had invited Glen's side of the family to join us Sunday evening to visit and share treats. We were also joined by some of our children's friends so we enjoyed the company of around 50 people over the course of the evening. It was great to visit with and see everyone. I neglected to take any pictures. Too busy talking :)

No one wanted to go at 5 am the next morning to save space for the 4th of July parade, so we awoke late, ate a leisurely breakfast, and walked down to the end of the parade route at 9th East and Center to see the finale. It worked out just fine.

Later in the afternoon, Glen and a large group returned to Sundance for "twilight rates." He also rented the "big" kids bikes so that they could ride down the mountain after taking the ski lift to the top. It was a big hit. Grandpa enjoyed riding with his other grand daughters on the lift. I stayed back at the townhouse with the little ones.

Speaking of the little ones, I think they enjoyed one an other's company. Oscar became a walker this trip. Julianna kept showing him how. She also lead us all in a dance party.

She helped Oscar take a bath.

There may be a year and a half difference in age, but Oscar is quickly catching up in size.

Julianna also gave Oscar instruction on sweeping the floor.

It turned out that Oscar loved sweeping the floor. The broom became his preferred object.

Please notice the red cups on the counter. They are a family get together/reunion tradition. I write every one's name on a cup and that is their water cup for the duration. Saves on use of the dishwasher AND disposable cups.

After the trip to Sundance, everyone joined the Alvord/Jensen group at the Rock Canyon Church parking lot for an amateur fireworks show. This was followed by a grandkids sleepover under the stars. I took this picture early the next morning. Looks like TJ got cold. Please notice the two "star machines" on the counter. Grandpa shines them on the tall vaulted ceiling and it really feels like you are outside star gazing. Magic!

1 comment:

  1. i love these pictures! i'm glad you got some, i'm going to have to re-post them:)
