Monday, July 11, 2011

Family Trip, Day 3

Friday morning, the first day of July found us decorating the townhouse for the weekend.

We have a box of 4th of July decor stored in the garage which comes out the years we happen to be in town.

Colorful flowers which have replaced the tulips near the Museum

This day, we were headed north to Salt Lake City. After an all you can eat French toast breakfast at Kneaders, our destinations were the Church Art and History Museum and Liberty Park. The museum had recently opened a new hands-on children's section and a quilt exhibit. The hands-on section was quickly taken over by a couple of large family reunion groups and wasn't all that enjoyable.

But the quilts were.

There was a great variety.

And a Piecing Wall for Julianna from which she could not be drawn away.

Her goal; empty the wooden box of all its pieces.

Great-aunt Lynette decided to help her. It was fortunate that Julianna enjoyed "piecing" so much thus missing the crowd in the next exhibit space.

After venturing downstairs for the children's artwork exhibit, we moved on to Liberty Park.

They loved the water feature which mimics the canyon streams of the Salt Lake Valley flowing to the Jordan River and on to the Great Salt Lake.

They soon moved on to dam building with their bodies which created flash floods and very wet clothes. Fortunately, we had brought towels but not dry clothes.

Our final Salt Lake stop was The King's English bookstore at 15th East and 1500 South not far from the park.

It is a delight of strung together rooms each with books of a different genre. Of course, we bought books and a game for later and grandpa style bookmarks. This stop was especially for Susan.

After eating and resting at the townhouse, Eric and family hit the streets of Provo for Colonial Days and the Festival of booths on the Courthouse lawn. Glen, Lynette, and I went to the Sundance resort for a patriotic concert provided by the Utah Symphony in the outdoor amphitheater. It was wonderful!

We may all have been dragging a bit after an eventful day but that didn't keep us from Provo Canyon the next morning. Stay tuned!

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