Friday, July 29, 2011

Cookie and Cousin Exchange

I baked this week. I usually don't bake unless company is expected. Company was expected and I knew they would help us eat these "Surprise Cookies." I found this recipe (I use just 1/2 cup cocoa instead of 3/4 cups) on the Martha Stewart web site after sampling the "Heaven on a Cloud" cookies found in a display case at the Jacob's Lake Lodge which marks the beginning of the road to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Jacob's Lake also marks the halfway point between my Mesa home and my Provo home, so I like to reward myself with one of these cookies after five hours in the car. They are truly heavenly!

The Ranes family arrived after midnight but were in the pool as the sun was coming over the house having a shoot out before breakfast. Yes, cookies came after eggs, juice, and toast.

Oscar and his parents arrived for the breakfast, too. They came to say hello and goodbye to the Ranes family. After breakfast, they left for San Diego to show the other grandparents that Oscar does indeed walk. Nathan ate lots of cookies.

I thought it needful to get pictures of my three grandsons together on the front bench.

This was much harder than I expected.

All I wanted was all eyes on me and fingers out of noses.

But the eyes kept shifting . . .

and fingers reappearing . . .

and eyelids closing . . .

so I changed my angle. Aren't they handsome, everyone of them?

It was the great cousin exchange this week. All my grand kids were roaming; TJ at scout camp, the rest of his family with Susan's side of the family near Santa Barbara, David and family also in San Diego, and these two who stopped in for 12 hours and then were on their way to see Ryan and Emelia in New Mexico.

They are traveling with this "grand dog" named Charlotte so that she can meet her New Mexico "dog cousins," Max and Lucy. They also took a container of cookies!

*The small fans, of course, are a courtesy of Grandpa Glen, our gadget man :)

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