Monday, May 2, 2011

Life's a Beach

We traveled to San Diego for an anniversary celebration trip. It had been over a year since we had enjoyed "some ocean." We both love the ocean!

My first view of the ocean was as a new teenager. I traveled by bus across the Arizona desert with a Pop Warner football team as a cheerleader to Chula Vista where the team played a California team. My host family was wonderful and made sure that I saw the ocean and experienced going to the beach for the first time. It was love at first sight!

Glen's family moved to Southern California when he was a young child and he grew up on the beach. His dad would drop the kids off on his way to work at TRW in the summer and then pick them up on his way home.

We made it in time to see the sun go down. The pelicans seemed to be on the move. Over the three days we saw them flying in flocks both north and south.

We were staying in La Jolla (thank you David for setting this up with your FIL) and took these pictures at the park just a short walk away.

We drove further north where we watched the sun sink into the ocean.

It always amazes me how it disappears in just seconds.

Glen felt so at home and not just because of the ocean. The house we were staying in was built around 1955, the same time period that Glen's parents built their house in Hawthorne. He really did feel like he had "gone home."

The weather was beautiful, clear, and sunny. The beaches were full on Saturday with not even a place to park. The cove walking distance from the house to the south was filled with surfers. From the comments we heard it sounded like these were the first warm sunny beach days of the year. Lucky San Diegans!

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