Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sister time in SLC

Our monthly visit to Utah was extra sweet for me this month. My sister, Lynette, had flown in from Kansas to visit the same week. She was there to see her daughter, Brittany, and son-in-law but she was also very happy to hang out with me. So while Glen worked with his clients, Lynette and I added a few miles to Brittany's car.

We visited quilt stores (for as long as we wanted :), had a personalized tour courtesy of Brittany's MIL at the Bloch exhibit at the MOA (I so enjoyed it again), spent a delightful couple of hours in the BYU bookstore, and remained in-house on Thursday working on projects together that we had found in those quilt stores.

By Friday we were out and about once more as we made our way to downtown Salt Lake City and Temple Square. First stop, the distribution center so the Leavenworth Primary president could stock up. Second stop, the Relief Society Building where we were given a tour by Lynette's college and lifelong friend, Annette. After our tour, Annette turned us loose in the basement where quilter Lynette posed in front of the Primary themed quilt. We also traveled to the other side for Relief Society inspiration.

We then met up with Annette once more for lunch at the Lion's House. Always so good! Lynette and Annette were roommates (along with Jeanette :) in Washington, D. C. when doing internships back in the late 1970's. They have kept in regular contact ever since!

During lunch we were seated in a lovely little nook under a window. I loved the old paned glass windows. If you look at the upper left pane, you will see a reflection of the Lion House where we are dinning.

This trip, the weather was a bit cold but the sun was shining! We had traveled through blowing snow (like 40 mph blowing snow) from about Scipio to Santaquin on the way to Provo. That was NOT fun!

After lunch, we walked across Temple Square to the Church Art and History Museum. I took this picture through a window in the museum. I just loved the view through the leafless trees.

Several new exhibits have opened for children. Upstairs has many hands on activities that the little ones will love including dance instruction with costumes, ship building with Nephi, and feeding dinner to the missionaries. I hope to take my grandchildren soon.

But it was the children's artwork downstairs that touched my heart. When the call went out for entries, they received almost 2000 from around the world of which 250 are on display.

This baby blessing watercolor by a five year old just took my breath away.

After a visit to the Deseret Book flagship store where Lynette found beehive inspiration for decorating her new home (you know, "Bunker Bees" and all that and I can't wait to see it) we were done for the day. Even with parking validations we still had to fork over $4 each to exit the parking garage. It was a great day and an almost perfect week. There is nothing like hanging out with a sister!


  1. I am so excited to see the Bloch Exhibit during spring break. We are going up there to see Max and the Young Ambassadors perform too...oh and to see my darlin little granddaughter. I love Utah. Your trip looked so fun.

  2. I am so glad you had sunny weather! Makes a difference. I'm jealous that you had so much time with Lynette. I hope she still likes Kansas!

  3. Check out the cover of the Friend Magazine--the baby blessing picture made the front cover--I guess we were inspired by the same artwork. Since I was the other half of the fun, really enjoyed this post. I really need to get a camera so I take pictures too.
