Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Things I love, Oscar

It's February! I love February; month of LOVE, hearts, flowers, decorated sugar cookies, and valentines. As a school teacher, Valentine's Day was my absolute favorite holiday to share with the students. It just had such a good vibe to it.

This month I hope to post about the people and things that I really love, the people and things that make my heart sing.

This little boy turns grandma's heart into a melted puddle whenever in her presence.

I love all the faces of Oscar.

He can melt you with his smile, his hugs, and his giggles.

Seriously, is not that a face that anyone would love?

Oscar, won't you be my valentine?


  1. How about you kidnap Oscar and bring him to St. Kitts?

  2. oh my goodness, these pictures you got of him are melting my heart too. he is such a sweet little boy and we're glad you've been infected with his love bug. that one serious face with those eyebrows looks just like Nate to me.

  3. Aww he's the cutest little kid!

  4. Your family looks so precious!

    My best friend in the whole world is serving a mission in Mesa! How I'd wish to be as close as you are. You'll have to wave to Elder Dursteler if you see him. :)
