Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My every six months visitor

Julianna and I hung out for several days waiting for her mom to become "un" radioactive. It was a fun, busy delight. This little girl is a ray of sunshine and her preference is "OUTSIDE?"

So we went for walks around the neighborhood because that is easier than keeping her out of the pool. While we walked we practiced our counting. Little did I know that she is on to letters, too. She spent several minutes in front of this sign calling out random letter names. Give me an "O" anyone?

Julianna also never feels fully dressed unless there are a bunch of colored rubber bands on her wrist. We have a pattern going. One year ago she spent a week with me while her family was at Lake Powell, the end of March beginning of April 2010 she came again, and then this visit. Yup, it's Julianna and I every six months!


  1. How sweet is she? I am glad you get to spend some quality time with her. Hope Susan is doing well.

  2. Hey, you finally got a duckie picture! Glad she cooperated - thanks for having her. I got to spend lots more time with her, too! Susan today said "After having time away from my life I now realize how exhausting it is!" :)

  3. The duckie picture is adorable. I love all the oranges and yellows and, of course, Julianna's bright, bright smile.

    She's been pretty clingy the last few days and she has NOT liked the noisy remodeling. She's had fun being outside, though, and cuddling with me while we watch DORA. I think she's forgiven me for being MIA ...

  4. Julianna loves looking at the pics in this post and tells us about the 'walk' and the 'duckies' and makes lots of other sounds and cute faces!
