Nathan and
Nichelle gave their first-born son a name and a blessing during sacrament meeting at the
Kleinman Park Ward yesterday afternoon. Oscar's father, grandfather, uncles, great uncle, and a cousin circled around him as his father used his priesthood authority to name him and then gave him a blessing for his earthly life. It was a special
occasion and one filled with memories.

34 years earlier, Glen and I also blessed and named our first born son on July 4
th. The year was 1976, our great nation's bicentennial birthday. It was a very special day as have been all the baby blessings in our family. When Nathan was a new missionary in Brazil, his brother David was to bless his 2
nd daughter, Sadie. We were missing having Elder Jensen with us, but in his next e-mail home he shared with us a tender mercy. He had been asked to bless a little girl in Brazil on the same Sunday, thus sharing this special experience with his brother.

Oscar looked so sweet in his new outfit. His grandpa told me that not only did he not cry during his blessing but that he smiled three times!
Elma June Baker Jensen, Glen Jay Jensen, June Smith Baker
and Melissa Fitzgerald Smith holding Eric Jordan Jensen
July 4, 1976
As we shared a meal together later at Nate and
Nichelle's new home, Glen shared with everyone the special
privilege of having five generations present for Eric's blessing. We were not so fortunate yesterday, but as Nathan blessed Oscar telling him that angels would watch over him, I knew that some of those angels would be his great grandparents and that they were aware of us meeting together in that chapel.

Later in the evening most of the family met back at our home for "Grandpa's Amazing Light Show" and Nate's not so legal fireworks plus some delicious homemade vanilla ice cream with brownies and toppings. It was
grand kid nirvana!
Eric's Photo of Toby

This morning, Glen, Raymond, and Henry decided to set some balloons free in honor of the many freedoms that we enjoy.

As they let them go,

Grandpa told the boys that they were going all the way to the moon!