Thursday, June 3, 2010

Our favorite blankies

Janae and sons are due to arrive in Arizona very late Saturday evening. The grandgirls requested a "girls only" sleepover so we had to work it in mid-week before the boys arrival. All three of these girls are very attached to their "blankies" so they were in attendance at our sleepover as well.

My fourth grade classes used to bring in their favorite baby or childhood item as part of a sharing/writing assignment in conjunction with a book I read to them. I always loved their sweet stories about their "lovies." It also made me realize how much gifts, especially handmade gifts, can come to mean so much to little ones.

Sadie is holding the quilt I made for her and meant to give to her when she was born. It actually became a one-year-old birthday present! I am happy that it became her favorite. It is impossible to predict which blanket or quilt will be honored as "the special one."

Heather has attached herself to a baby quilt made by Grandma J for her father, Eric. Eric was a United States of America bicentennial baby who was blessed on the 4th of July, hence the patriotic fabric. The quilt and it's original owner will soon be 34! Heather, however, seems to be the current owner.

Ruby received her homemade quilt from Kay Wagner, mother of one of Sally's best friends. Kay has a beautiful home in Hawaii right on the beach which she has generously shared with us. Ruby was almost two on that visit and had already loved her blankie into disrepair, so Kay patched it up for her. I was a bit envious of Kay's sewing room over the garage with its view of the ocean! As you can see, that little quilt is beyond repair now, but is still so loved.

Oscar is now two weeks old. He received a couple of quilts/blankets from Kay who is also the mother of one of Nichelle's best friends. This grandma has a quilt in the works in her sewing room with a view of the pool (which might just turn into a 1st birthday gift!) It will be interesting to see if he comes up with a special blanket and if so, which one.

I think Oscar has become Nate's special "lovie!"

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