Friday, April 30, 2010

Hollyhocks and great-grandma Lucy

I have always adored this painting. That is why a small print hangs in the master bedroom in Provo. It reminds me of my Scottish great grandma Lucy, mother of my paternal grandfather. She lived a block or so just north of the Old Rock Schoolhouse in Sugar City. Sometimes I would walk to her house instead of taking the bus home from school. I loved spending time with her. I loved the garden plantings which surrounded her house, especially the hollyhocks that lined the back walkway. I imagine that I am the little girl in the painting (not hard to do since my mother kept my dark hair in french braids.)

I've always wanted to grow hollyhocks. I planted some plants from the nursery two years ago. This year they just volunteered! They are making me very happy!

1 comment:

  1. So pretty mom. I hope it is a cooler May than last year for you.
