Saturday, March 6, 2010

Some sock monkeys

No, the "R" and "H" don't stand for Ruby and Heather (they got tutus for their doll's ice stating outfits.) Yes, they do stand for Raymond and Henry. I've worked hard to finish them this week so that they can make it into the box leaving for St. Kitt's on Monday. I guess sock monkeys are most often made from socks, but I started from scratch so I guess I've been knitting socks, too. I also read "Becoming Jane Eyre" this week and there was a reference to the housekeeper knitting socks with four (or was it three) needles. Wow, now I know what that is all about and might I add, it's pretty hard going at the beginning of all those legs, arms, and tail (yes, they each have a tail which I slide through the slates so they would stay upright for their first formal picture :) As I wrangle four needles, I find that either my fingers are in the way or perhaps, that I need more hands. I'm not sure.

It was a free pattern at Michael's and I just couldn't resist. I hope that they fit in with all the monkeys on St. Kitt's!

1 comment:

  1. They turned out so cute Laurel. I read Becoming Jane Eyre too and really enjoyed it.
