Thursday, February 11, 2010

Remembering Raija

My beautiful Finnish aunt, Raija, passed away on Tuesday. Her childhood was one of war and hardship but she also found the LDS church. She married my mother's brother, Keith. Uncle Keith had served as a missionary in Finland including Raija's home town. He also translated during the 1952 Olympics. He and Raija were married in the Idaho Falls Temple May 29, 1953 after Keith invited her to come to the United States some months later. (I have a copy of their love story as written by Raija if you would like to read it some time.)

During the Ronald Reagan Administration, Keith was appointed ambassador to Finland and he and Raija returned to live in the Embassy. The Finns loved them, these two who spoke their language and exuded dignity, grace, and love. They had a special gift for entertaining and making everyone feel welcome. Raija introduced them to Valentine's Day as celebrated in the United States. Guests who were served steak and Idaho baked potatoes at the embassy considered themselves lucky. Read more about them here.

Raija enjoying her "name day" on Febuary 9, 2004. In Finland, "name day" is celebrated much like a birthday and you celebrate with others who have your same name. Raija passed away on her "name day" this year which seems so appropriate as she loved to celebrate special days.

Aunt Raija introduced me to the presentation of food. She was not only a magnificent cook, but everything she prepared looked so beautiful. She would tell me, "We also taste with our eyes." Her artistic eye in cooking as well as decorating her home were an inspiration in my life.

She loved her native land of Finland and shortly after moving from Idaho to Tempe, Arizona my sixth grade teacher assigned world country reports and presentations. I quickly chose Finland and them wrote my Aunt Raija a letter. By return post, I not only received information but a cardboard box full of things from Finland. I was overwhelmed with her generosity and help. My teacher was also pretty impressed.

She has been ill for years with lupus and its side effects. She still continued to live with beauty and great grace as well as faith and hope. She was too ill to go with Keith when he was invited by President Hinckley to the dedication of the temple in Finland, but she was with him in spirit. She will always be an example to me of a beautiful person who lived a lovely life which she filled with beauty because she chose to and she also chose to share it with others. Well done lovely Raija!

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