It was a good day, a very good day. First thing this morning we were at the temple to participate in the sealing of Julianna to her parents. It was a special, tender experience to watch Julianna become sealed to her eternal family. Her little eyes were so
busy as she tried to process so many new things.

Her parents love her so much and it was an emotional experience for them as it was for all of us.
TJ, Heather, and Toby enjoyed this opportunity to be in the temple.
TJ expressed to me as we exited the front doors that it really did feel like heaven inside.

They are now a forever family!

This little girl has brought so much joy and happiness to her family during the last year.

Grandpa and Grandma Kennedy drove all the way from Washington state to be with us for this double special day.

We felt that the "poise on the stairs" was just as important today as it is for wedding celebrations. Susan felt
privileged to be given use of the "bride's room." There were seven weddings scheduled for this morning as well.

You will notice that Janis and Sally took turns being the photographer.

Janis backed up close to the reflecting pool to get this shot including the special lettering over the entrance.

After a break, everyone congregated at Eric's and Susan's home for lunch before heading to their stake center for Heather's baptism. She wasn't too happy about the decision to have Grandma Laurel put her hair in a french braid. After a game of "hide and seek," (Heather instigated ;), she was found under the guest bed. Grandma was extra gentle with her "tender head" and a braid was so much easier to deal with when wet!

It was a special experience watching Heather take this next step in her eternal progression. Her cousins were thrilled to watch as her father lowered her into the font.

We had a rainy day today after a week of beautiful weather. There were eight children from the Red Mountain Stake who were baptized today. They listened to a wonderful talk reminding them of the importance of being baptized. The speaker
referred to this Primary song which seemed so appropriate for this particular day when rainy days are few in Arizona.

When I Am Baptized
by Nita Dale
MilnerI like to look for rainbows whenever there is rain
And ponder on the beauty of an earth made clean again.
I want my live to be as clean as earth right after rain.
I want to be the best I can and live with God again.
I know when I am baptized my wrongs are washed away,
And I can be forgiven and improve myself each day.
I want my life to be as clean as earth right after rain.
I want to be the best I can and live with God again.

Days like today bring a joy like no other as I watch those I love making steps which bring them ever closer to their full and true potential and to their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.